We love hearing from you!

If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ below. If you can't find the answer please contact us!

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Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please shoot us an email at grit.grace.wholesale@gmail.com.

What is your turnaround time?

Our typical turnaround on preorders and custom orders is 7-10 business days. For ready to ship orders, our turnaround time is 1 business day. Please keep in mind, that things happen, holidays get busy, and times may change slightly. We will always keep you updated. We pride ourselves in quick turnaround with quality products, so know getting your orders out is our priority!

I don't own a boutique, but want to make a purchase?

We currently do not sell retail. Feel free to message us and we will point you to a boutique you can purchase from. If you want to place a bulk custom order, please contact us. That is an option, but there will be a minimum order requirement based on the design.

How will my package ship?

We use USPS and UPS to ship orders, depending on the size and weight of the package. This will be up to our discretion.

What is your return policy?

We do not accept returns. The only exception to this would be if an error occurred or there was a defect.

What is your minimum order required?

We have no minimums for orders, except with custom orders. Those minimums will be announced indiviually depending on the design.

Can I do a local pickup?

Yes, we accept local pickups. We do not have a retail location, so you would have to pickup at our production facility. While we are typically there Monday - Friday from 9-4, we recommend sending us a message beforehand to make sure someone is there. The address to our production facility is 551 N Broadway St. in Wahoo, Nebraska.

My order shipped, but I never received it?

Once your package is picked up by a local carrier, it is out of our hands. Please contact that carrier to locate your package.